Category: Server

How to Build and Deploy Machine Learning Models that Scale

Machine learning is the newest tool in the developer’s tool belt but most developers working in the field nowadays don’t know how to deploy and scale machine learning models.

In this article I will describe the two ways I’ve used to deploy machine learning models and why one is better than the other.

But first, let’s talk about how to make your model in the first place.

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Best Sublime Plugins

As you can tell from my lack of articles over the last several months I have been very busy. I’ve been in India and San Francisco working like crazy. I will be posting more about what I have been working on in the future, but because of work I have had no time to write any new or interesting articles.

So today I decided to share what Sublime plugins I use to be more productive, help unify my team’s standards, and help the overall collaboration in my team.

I’ve been using Sublime for several years but I was unimpressed when I first started using it. I later found out that the real advantage of using Sublime is the plugin system. You can make Sublime into nearly any type of IDE you want.

Here is my list of best Sublime plugins.

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ECMAScript 6 has been Approved

In the last several days I have been planning for a multi week work trip to India. In fact I’m writing this on the plane to London as it is the first chance I have had to write anything recently.

ECMAScript 6 has been approved!

It was approved on the 18th of June and brings with it many amazing new features. I’m sure I will be writing more about this in the future.

I’ll be celebrating 2 days late and over the Atlantic, but I will be celebrating none the less.

Cordova and Session Cookies

As of Cordova 5.2.0 on Android 5.1 cookies are working.
I will be investigating other platforms, like iOS, soon.

I’ve talked many times about my love of Cordova. I like how I can use my existing knowledge and code to build a mobile application with additional abilities than a web application. While I know how to a write native Android application, I still prefer to do my initial prototyping and launch in Cordova.

I honestly like everything about Cordova aside from the fact that you can’t use cookie based sessions.

In this post I will show you how to do so in Express 4 using jQuery AJAX calls and some simple code.

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Node.js Best Practices

I’ve recently been working on a lot of Node.js projects, for myself, with my students, and for national organizations. Because I’m a University instructor I’ve been getting a lot of questions about what the best practices for Node.js are from every project I’m involved with. I’ve worked with Node.js for years and know all the best practices myself, but I had never seen a list that explained the best practices to my satisfaction. So, I have put one together taking all the best practices agreed on by the community and explaining why each practice is the best way to write Node.js code.

If you want to improve these best practices in any way please don’t hesitate to create a pull request to the GitHub repo.

Here we go.

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Microsoft has Actually Made a Great Product, TypeScript

I’m fairly vocal about my opinion of Microsoft products. They have never made a single that is better than the competition, except maybe C#, but only maybe.

IE vs Safari vs Opera vs Chrome vs Firefox: Chrome or Firefox win

Office vs iWork vs LibreOffice = iWork wins

Windows vs OS X vs Linux = Linux wins with OS X a close second

However, they have finally made a product that is I would use over the competition, and most developers I talk to agree.

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Personal Cloud Drive with ownCloud

If you’ve ever used Dropbox or Google Drive you know what cloud based storage is. It’s a hard drive located somewhere on the internet for you to store and share your files.

But what if you have terabytes of files, or a preexisting server infrastructure at your work or house? Are those solutions really the best? Is there a better self hosted solution?

There is and it’s called ownCloud.

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Making Desktop JavaScript Apps with node-webkit

Update: node-webkit is now called NW.js and uses io.js and Blink instead of Node.js and WebKit. All other information is still correct.

JavaScript can be run in a browser normally, on a server with Node.js, and on mobile devices with Cordova, but where else can we use JavaScript to program?

Well, plenty other places, but the last big place to write programs is the desktop and today I’m covering writing desktop JavaScript applications with node-webkit.

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